Friday, January 9, 2009

My Darling Husband

I'm a lucky gal. I have a wonderful husband. The most recent piece of evidence is the rather large fish tank sitting in my classroom. My DH decided after my last class pet died of "unknown" causes that it was time to get a REALLY cool class pet. After spending quite a bit of time at various pet stores he became very excited about the prospect of a fish tank. He spent hours and hours of time on the internet researching the best types of fish for classrooms and every piece of information imaginable such as their scientific names and where they come from for a display board.

After much anticipation, yesterday was the big day. The tank had been running for a day and now it was time to get the fish. I am not sure I have ever seen my DH this excited. After an hour of just watching the fish I finally pried him away from the tank. And this morning as he left for work he actually said "If you stop by work today please tell the fish 'hello' for me. The sad part? He wasn't joking. I have my theories about him living out a childhood fantasy but whatever it is I am happy that he is so happy. I can't wait to see my student's reactions on Monday!

Introducing the newest members of Room 101...Copernicus, Pasteur, Bohr, Edison, Aristotle, Curie, Hubble, Hawking, Watson, Leeuvenhoek, Socrates, and Fahrenheit

The pictures aren't the best but they will do for now. Jordan is already planning the fish we will add after this nitrogen cycle and has informed me that when we are wealthy we will have a 1000 gallon tank taking up one wall...

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